Chapter 2: Into the Wilds
Sensu’s little glowing eyes are getting a workout with all this eye-rolling. For the record, Gartet is about 6’1″, Sedo is about 5’3″. My tallest and shortest characters in the same scene- I made life difficult for myself :.D
Gartet lends a hand. Sorry about the wait, folks- the No Sleep got me good this week. Getting better, luckily!
Double update this week! Check back Friday for the make-up page from last week’s convention. Speaking of- thanks to everyone who swung by and said hi to me at Metrocon! Welcome to my comic! That’s my last con for a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Surprise Gartet attack! Sorry for the delay, everyone, and thank you for your patience. Yesterday was rough, but I’m doing better. We’ll all get through this.
Sorry Gartet- no smoke break for you. Also, looks like I forgot that my comic has Fantasy Not-Tobacco(tm) in it. To the About page! To possibly update my comic rating!
Oh no. A Sad Gartet appears. 🙁 Heads up- I’ll be at CONvergence in Minnesota this weekend, starting tomorrow! If you’re in the area, feel free to come find me in the artist alley and say hi!
Aaaaand part 2 of the 2 page update this week! Weird dream/memories are the worst. Whew, sorry about the wait on this one guys! A-kon went great, had a lot of fun, met some awesome new people (hi new readers!),[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…